Donation Opportunities
At the Office for Human Research Studies we are asking everybody for donation. Your donation will help education of medical professionals leading the next generation and human resource development for professionals in research ethics consultation. Further, your donation will be accepted as donation to the University of Tokyo and receipt will be issued. Our office is purely an office to support research ethics and there is no risk for conflict of interests. We would appreciate your cooperation, understanding and support to the Office for Human Research Studies, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tokyo to create a culture to actively and sincerely tackle to support medical ethics in Japanese society.
Tax incentives (for the residents in Japan)
- For corporations: The entire amount of donation can be included in deductible expense and tax will not be charged. [Corporation Tax Act]
- For individuals: The amount of donation is deductible from gross income amount and the amount subject to tax can be reduced. [Income Tax Act]
For inquiries:
Office for Human Research Studies
Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033
FAX: +81-3-5841-3600 E-mail